昨年撮った名古屋のAysula さんのMVが公開になりました。監督はVJ parade さんです。曲名は"roar"。
1/21 (土)
打×打×踊 による即興パフォーマンスを行います。
[ 横沢 道治 : percussion , ワタンベ : drums ]
大歳 芽里( Meri Otoshi ) : dance
昭和音楽芸術学院、仏アンジェ国立現代舞踊センター を卒業。
(ヴィンセント・マンソー, 瀬戸内サーカスファクトリー , TOA Music Workshop,スローレーベル ) に参加するなど活動は多岐に渡る。
open 18:30 / start 19:30
予約¥2,000 / 当日¥2,300
(+ 別途ドリンク代)
chef d'oeuvres (シェ・ドゥーブル)
( m.watanbe@gmail.com )
まで お願いいたします。
Jo-Ha-Kyū 序破急
1/28 17:00p.m〜
場所:Yōkai SOHO
602-8371 Kyoto-shi
Yōkai SOHOでは、そのテーマにとって何か出来ると考えている、物事の過程に力を行使することが必要であると信じる様々なアーティストを紹介します。
In the ancient lunar calendar, the new year starts with the first New Moon, which ends up being on January 28 in 2017. Why are we so excited or worried about the ending and the beginning of a new year? What kind of world are we going to leave and what kind of world will we construct after? Can we really have an impact on it?
At Yōkai SOHO, we invited a group of artist who think that we can, and that we need to take the power on the course of things.
How ?
What we want to show during this exhibition is the importance of the creation process in order to be relieved of the anxiety of the end and to re-invent and re-enchant our worlds.
The new moon will be the occasion to celebrate this passage from passivity to art and creation, along the lines of the traditional concept of jo-ha-kyū 序破急 ("start break emerge").
Entrance fee: donation to artists
ライブパーフォマンス Live performances:
朔 New Moon Party (1月28日)
- Andy Couzens
- Meri Otoshi + Wataru Sato
- Ally Mobbs
- Endurance (Joshua Stefane)
+ ...
Kota Yamauchi + Manna Sasakii (1月29日)
+ ...
「序破急」展示会 Jo-Ha-Kyū exhibition project:
Théo Casciani, Cléo Cléo, Fanny Terno, Thomas Vauthier
Four young people feel that something is eluding. An idea grows, a series of verbs, three verbs exactly, three verbs for three moments. Those four look for these words on the tip of their tongues, lock themselves into a former supermarket in the North of Kyoto (Yōkai SOHO) and throw forms-hypothesis. Nevertheless something is happening, arising and opens a new world for this new moon.
This narrative and collective exhibition will be organized at Yōkai SOHO from Friday 28th to Sunday 29th of January, and will invite the public to take part into the workshop and the works. Regarding the jo-ha-kyū 序破急 concept, formed on three different moments, the exhibition will punctuate without concluding one week of reflection and creation in the forms of performances, projections, parties and surprises, contributions, concerts, debates, tremors and pursuits, events and accidents, as many speculative waves which contents will be revealed here and sparingly.
Quatre jeunes personnes sentent que quelque chose échappe. Une idée germe, se trame, une série de verbes, de trois verbes exactement, trois verbes pour trois temps. Ils cherchent ces mots sur le bout de la langue, s’enferment dans un ancien supermarché (Yōkai SOHO) du nord de Kyoto et projettent des formes-hypothèses. Mais quelque chose advient, survient et ouvre un monde nouveau pour cette lune nouvelle.
Cette exposition narrative et collective sera organisée à Yōkai SOHO du samedi 28 au dimanche 29 janvier et invitera le public à investir l’atelier et les oeuvres. Dépliée selon les trois temps du jo-ha-kyū 序破急, elle ponctuera sans conclure une semaine de création au gré de performances, de projections, de fêtes et de surprises, de contributions, de concerts, de débats, de tremblements et de poursuites, d’événements et d’accidents, autant de vagues spéculatives dont le contenu sera dévoilé ici et au compte-gouttes.