(English below )
カリン・シュラゲターさんに誘われて、9月16日に「文車妖妃・La sorcière des Fuguruma」の第1章に参加しました。これは彼女がvilla_kujyoyamaで行っているリサーチになります。
私は新作の振付作品「第七官界へ・Fall into the realm of the Seventh Sense」を発表しました。カリンさんと「何が私を踊らせるのか」について話し、彼女は次のように訳してくれました。
そして、レナ・ヒルアートボルデさんに出会いました。レナさんは、チリのanimitas(アニミタス)からインスピレーションを受け制作中のプロジェクト、« Sublim Théorie »を発表しました。小さな札に書かれたメッセージは、animitas(アニミタスが、生の世界に、場違いな死者の存在を示します。
そして、「文車妖妃 ・La sorcière des Fuguruma」第2章が始まっています。「猿のお金・Monnaie de singe」と題し、ブルーノ・ボテラ氏の個展という形で、2022年10月1日から24日まで、京都、ジャスミンの展示スペースで開催されます。
「文車妖妃 ・La sorcière des Fuguruma」のフグルマとは、書類を運ぶための乗り物です。文車妖妃は、ラブレターなどの手紙に込められた強迫観念から形成された妖怪のようなものです。古代の人々は、手紙に込められた執拗な思いは、やがて形あるものになると信じていたようです。
#villakujoyama #institutfrancais #institutfrancaisjapon #アンスティチュ・フランセ日本 #fondationbettencourtschueller @fondationbettencourtschueller #ヴィラ九条山 #ベタンクールシュエーラー財団
Karin schlagi invited me to participate the first chapter of 「文車妖妃 ・La sorcière des Fuguruma」on 16 September.It's her research at villa_kujyoyama.
I presented a new choreographic piece「第七官界へ・Fall into the realm of the Seventh Sense」.I discussed with Karin “What makes me dance?”And she translated it like this.
「Meditation close to dissociation, in this performance, OTOSHI Meri lets her consciousness be inhabited successively by a plant, an animal, a spirit...」
She suggested me the great music “蝉が死んでいくのを聞きながら・Semi tape “by Krikor Kouchian.He created this music at villa kujoyama and it included what he thought and experienced.It helps me a lot to dance there.
And I met Léna Hiriartborde.Léna HIRIARTBORDE presented her current project "Sublim Theory", inspired by the animitas of Chile. Messages written on small notes, animitas manifest the untimely presence of Death in the world of the living.
I spend time with her and Karin before and after the performance.It's a short time but I felt there's a connection between what she's doing.Her approach comes from her soul and it looks very fragile .I felt that she finds signs in her days and weaves her words with a stillness between life and death.
Now Chapter 2 of 「文車妖妃 ・La sorcière des Fuguruma」 started .Entitled 「猿のお金・Monnaie de singe」and took the form of a solo exhibition by Bruno BOTELLA. From October 1 to 24, 2022, exhibition space in the basement of Jasmin Shop ジャスミン ,Kyoto.
Bruno explained to me his previous work also.He does drawing,video,sculpture and photography.During the process,He changes his perception of body ,mental and sensory etc...It formed but at the same time unformed.Because he tries to uncontrol his body during the creation.
I felt Karin created the atmosphere and drove the artists to see unexpected new worlds.But it already exists inside of artists.
Fuguruma is a vehicle used to transport documents .「文車妖妃 ・La sorcière des Fuguruma」seems to be a specter formed from the obsessive thoughts that were put into letters,such as love letters.The ancient people believed that the persistent thoughts in a letter could eventually take a tangible form.
I was in Angers,France from 2008-2010.I learned from Akira Kasai in one month and met Ko Murobushi at CNDC also.I have a notebook at that moment.
It's written that,
“The body is a book.Butoh is related to this.A book that has not yet been read.I don't even know how to read it.I have to learn the words,like a foreign book. When we think of the inside and outside of the skin,we can say that dance is based on the inside.The outside is the space between people,and everything exists as a flow of energy.”
I felt that Karin gave me the impetus to further read my book.And I'm also inspired by the artists in residence at Villa Kujoyama.Thank you to everyone who has supported and given me this opportunity.