Our showing in December(finished!)

.Ecole ouverte

Ecole ouverte III
Formation Essais / école supérieure du CNDC

14 et 15 décembre 2009 au CNDC studios des Abattoirs, Angers.
Entrée libre sur réservation au

Essais rassemble aujourd’hui neuf artistes venus d’Iran, Pologne, Portugal, Japon, Israël, Brésil et de France. Cette année, ils ont travaillé notamment avec la chorégraphe brésilienne Lia Rodrigues, le maître butô japonais Akira Kasai, l’artiste chorégraphique Vincent Dupont ainsi que Jennifer Lacey et Nuno Bizarro, artistes invités les accompagnant tout au long de l’année.

Le temps de l’Ecole ouverte est l’occasion de re/présenter l’esprit de la formation et de l’école. Les propositions artistiques et leurs supports (vidéo, discussion, installation) révèlent une grande hétérogénéité artistique. La programmation de chaque soirée proposera une trentaine de projets différents chaque soir répartis dans plusieurs espaces.


* Lundi 14 décembre 2009 dès 19h

Mohamad Abassi, films. 20 mn
Charlène Sorin, un âne dans un saladier, 15 mn, solo.
Yaïr Barelli, Ce ConTexte, 30 mn, solo.
Michelle Moura, Bing bang boom, 35 mn.
Aline Landreau, C R L W, 30 mn, soli.
Agnieszka Ryszkiewicz, Reality check, 25 mn, duo.
Ruben Tiago Soares, Souvenirs des jours de paresse, 20 mn.
Yaïr Barelli, Hors D’ANGERs, 10 mn, solo
Anna Till, Ce que je donne est ce que je reçois, 10 mn, solo.
Meri Otoshi, Paradis perdu, 15 mn, solo.
Yaïr Barelli, Ce ConTexte Hors D’ANGERs, 10 mn, tous les essayistes.
Ruben Tiaogo Soares, improvisation, 20 mn.

* Mardi 15 décembre 2009 dès 18H

Invitation à Robert Girerd
Conversation à partir du contexte de l’Ecole ouverte qui met en lien la place et le regard du spectateur avec la notion d’apprentissage au sens le plus large.

Avec Robert Girerd, inspecteur à l’Education nationale et directeur adjoint du CRDP, animée par Aline Landreau

Meri Otoshi, Ori mi, 20 mn, trio
Yaïr Barelli, Ce ConTexte, 25 mn, solo.
Emilie Combet, La Souillon(ne), 20 mn, solo
Aline Landreau, C R L W, 30 mn, soli.
Charlène Sorin, Un âne dans un saladier, 15 mn, solo.
Michelle Moura, Faire bouger, 20 mn, solo.
Ruben Tiago Soares, Souvenirs des jours de la paresse, 20 mn.
Emilie Combet et Pauline Brottes, Tirée d'une histoire vraie, pute ! 40 mn
Mohamad Abassi, I am my mother, 20 mn
Aline Landreau, Tranches, solo, 30 mn
Ruben Tiago Soares, improvisation, 20 mn.


temporal distance

夢は本当である リアルさ

時間は主体の自由の根拠 ベルクソン

Finished our essais's showing and photo of impact

I just finished my presentation .I showed my solo,trio and 2 short films.Also I danced for my friend,Michelle's work.Last show,we did duo which using paper.This time,Michelle and I didn't dance together.But in her work and my work,we used paper in different way.She used many paper,and we moved under the paper.And I used washi which is japanese paper, and used shadow.
From Berlin,Jeremy Wade came and he helped my work.It was changed a lot with him.Maybe for feburary,my trio will show in Berlin.

And today I moved to new house.Until June 2010,I gonna live in this house.When I came,I didn't imagine that I will stay in angers more than 1 year.But we talked a lot in group and CNDC staffs.Then we got chance to continue to work in here more 6 months.It's so nice for me.

I got photos from pact zollverein ,essen.I got a nice time in here also.I met some young artists.And I really want to come back to pact with them.(photo by Dirk Rose)

In november,some of essais presented our works at musee des beaux-arts,angers.I showed my work called ori-mi.(photo by Anatole from FAC,CNDC)



November I'll go to Essen

This month we had a workshop of Vincent Dupont and we start to work own proje will have our presentation in December. And next month I will go to Essen f9"

IMPACT09 invites artists, practitioners, theoreticians and advanced students from the areas of dance, theatre, art, new media and architecture to take part in a symposium which explores artistic strategies and critical methods in equal terms of practice and theoretical reflection and discussion.
Romeo Castellucci, artistic director of the theatre company Socìetas Raffaello Sanzio, challenges perceptions and questions the human condition in overwhelming physical imagery that is at once magical, haunting and taboo breaking. Architects Ana Dzokic and Marc Neelen / STEALTH.unlimited make interaction between people, urban space and social phenomena visible and sketch visions for future architecture. Berlin make sensitive, insightful and precisely researched documentary-like city portraits which cast a revealing look at society today.


Présentation Essais

La formation Essais allie le développement d’une pratique artistique autonome à un travail de recherche avec des artistes invités. L’année est ainsi ponctuée de sessions d’ateliers menées par ces artistes (Lia Rodrigues en janvier 2009, Akira Kasai en avril 2009) et de temps de recherches personnelles. Les essayistes sont guidés tout au long de leur formation par les artistes chorégraphiques Jennifer Lacey et Nuno Bizarro.

Les neufs essayistes de cette troisième promotion entament cet automne une dernière phase de travail d’un mois avec Vincent Dupont, comédien de formation puis chorégraphe explorant une « dramaturgie de la perception ». Il a créé Incantus en résidence de création au CNDC en 2007.

Cette dernière session de travail avec Vincent Dupont aboutira, après un temps de recherches personnelles, à une dernière école ouverte les 14 et 15 décembre 2009.

The Essais programme allies the development of an autonomous artistic practice to work in research with guest artists who help laying out and structuring their own work. The year is split into different segments including workshops with these guest artists (Lia Rodrigues en January 2009, Akira Kasai in April 2009) as well as time for personal research. The essay-ists are guided during these research periods and throughout the programme by the choreographic artists Jennifer Lacey and Nuno Bizarro.

The nine “essay-ists” of this third class will this fall work for their final work session for a month, with Vincent Dupont, who trained as an actor but is also a choreographer exploring a “dramaturgy of perception.” During a creative residency at the CNDC in 2007, he createdIncantus.

This final work session with Vincent Dupont will culminate, after another personal research period, to an “open school” event onDecember 14 and 15, 2009.


There was festival'Les Accroche-Coeurs' in 11~13 September.Theme was Angel and Demon.Wilfried who working in open arts ,Le Quai ,played his music with cinema of Chaplin,Keaton and Lloyd. I could see movie' Nosferatu le vampire' also.Then I went to see old japanese cinema'Hikou shoujo'. After I came here,I had a chance to see old japanese cinema.I like '60.
I went to see spectacles of Emmanuelle Huynh 'A vida enome' and 'L'apres midi d'un faune' of Vaslav Nijinski.Before I came to France,I danced 'A vida enome'in kyoto.At that time,I couldn't get time and space.But now I feel more about this piece.It was in le potager du roi,Versailles.It was nice garden.
Now I'm taking workshop of Vincent Dupont.There was workshop of Valerie Joly.She told us how to use voice.It open to new body work for me.Everyday we are doing improvisation.It's quite hard for mental but it's nice chance to learn new thing.

one night,light

I like this video of Rinpa Eshidan. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GzKgjmrqmRI Room
I'm in choreographer course and new dancer course will begin in October.
I met some of them,and this video is Miguel.
It's in my house,just appear and go with light.

I went to picasso museum in paris this summer.They will close 2 years.